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.024 x 13.75" Downspout Coil

.024 x 13.75″ Downspout Coil

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Please do not order less than 200 pounds (500 feet) as we cannot spin downspout coil that small

Approximately 2.55 feet per pound of coil

SKU: N/A Categories: , ,


.024 gauge coil for manufacturing 3×4 downspouts.

Full rolls usually are 1,000 to 1,200 pounds (2,500 to 3,000 feet). Smaller weights are available but can’t be less than 200 pounds (500 feet).

Colors Available: AL: Almond, BL: Black, BR: Royal Brown, BZ: Terratone Bronze, CC: Classic Cream, CY: Clay, GG: Grecian Green, HG: High Gloss 80° White, IV: Antique Ivory, LG: Low Gloss 30° White, LN: Linen, MBR: Musket Brown, PG: Pearl Gray, RW: Rosewood, TG: Tuxedo Gray, WK: Wicker

Sold by the foot or by the pound.

Please keep in mind that production coil is primarily reserved for in-house use and sales are subject to restrictions depending on current stock.